Muromec 11 hours ago

Nice to live in 2024, where men no longer needed parenting wise

  • TacticalCoder 10 hours ago

    > Nice to live in 2024, where men no longer needed parenting wise

    That's equality: men aren't needed anywhere anymore. Except to go work in the sewers and to be military drafted. The left ain't very interested in establishing equality in these cases.

    When I had to dig for five hours in human manure to find where a pipe was clogged in the garden, I called my wife and daughters to show them, from a distance, what I was doing.

    Their "princess", disgusted, look was priceless. They immediately went back to the house while yuk'ing.

    Next day, after I found where the problem was, the plumbing company sent someone to actually unclog the pipe. Do I need to precise whether it was a man or a woman that showed up?

    Don't get me wrong: my wife owns not one but two companies (including one with me). She's not a "tradwife" by any means. She cannot cook without burning frying pans and pots (and me neither).

    But who takes the trashes out, who fixes the sink, who drills holes, who paints, who does electrical job in the house? Who takes care of the cars' tires? Of the bicycles maintenance? And who finds a solution to every single f-cking computer issue in the house?

    I'm sure I'm enforcing patriarchal stereotypes by doing these deeds myself.

    Yeah, it has to be it. Next time they'll put boots on and go dig for hours end in human manure to find that clogged pipe while I reflect on the benefits of men/women equality.

    And when I'll call the plumbing company, I'll tell them they better sent a woman (I'll accept a non-binary identifying as a butterfly too).

    • reaperman 10 hours ago

      > But who takes the trashes out, who fixes the sink, who drills holes, who paints, who does electrical job in the house? Who takes care of the cars' tires? Of the bicycles maintenance? And who finds a solution to every single f-cking computer issue in the house?

      My wife, mainly. I have no idea how cars work. She can’t seem to stop working on her motorcycle whenever she needs to clear her head.

      I think you took your family’s personal experience and ran really, really far with it.

      Also when I interviewed with Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, they did indeed have women going into the poop cisterns to actuate valves and swap out instrumentation. One of those women walked me through the experience and expectations. It involved walking/“swimming” through a million gallons of poop. She wanted to make sure I could also handle that.

      On a personal note, if the resentment is getting to be a lot to handle, you may benefit from either adjustments in expectations or from finding grace in the way you experience your emotions. You mentioned you may be right wing, so it’s not a stretch to think that you may be a man of God. Religion should help you reach that state of grace. If your church is not focused on helping you find Grace perhaps there is a better one for you.

    • interloxia 7 hours ago

      Meh, sounds kinda angry. Dig the poop/fix the bike/whatever if that makes sense, but perhaps sell it as a tradeoff of not just your time/money but also theirs.

      If they don't get the thing/experience because they helped decide to pay somone else to do the dirty work it might just help change perspective. Why else would a princess care if you are the only one with a consequence.

      Not starting with something grose probably helps.

joenot443 8 hours ago

It seems almost deliberately disingenuous on Bloomberg's part to write a piece on the WFH vs RTO and spend so little time discussing the many, many recent high-qualities studies on the matter. There's data here! It doesn't have to be so opaque and opinion-based! Some folks at Stanford compiled a really excellent report released in July 2023 which summarizes well the current research. [1]

As expected, it's a complicated topic which is hugely individualized and multi-faceted. It depends on your team, your job, your industry, your personality, your tax law, and your family. Broad heuristics like "____ employees are _____ productive" are super uninteresting and mostly just serve to reaffirm personal bias.


mensetmanusman 9 hours ago

If moms don’t get back to work, how will our leaders feel important?

antisthenes 3 days ago

Singling out moms here is a divide and conquer tactic.

Good try, Bloomberg.

  • bestouff 3 days ago

    Singling out "some" moms. I'm a dad and I'll never RTO again. My work-life balance is near perfect now that I WFH.

  • geodel 11 hours ago

    In this case its better. By having vocal minority pound on this nexus of builder-city goverment-management we may get to see some results. Similarly I want environmental minority, stuck-in-traffic minority and so on keep pressure on companies until they relent.

    • whythre 10 hours ago

      That’s still depressing, as it seems to imply you can only effect the monolith if you are an influential minority. You can’t just say ‘this policy is bad for everyone?’ You have to wield a marginalized group like a battering ram?

      • klooney 9 hours ago

        Yes, and it's been that way for fifteen years at least.