I live in Sweden and am totally not aware of this trend.
However what is not mentioned is that "summer homes" are quite common in Sweden, usually a little cabin somewhere further out from the city that a person or family owns.
In my case my girlfriends family shares a house on the coast in Smålland, which even has functioning power and water (rare among these types of vacation homes).
I think being able to get away from the noise of the city makes city living significantly more tolerable, I nearly lost my mind when I lived in London for 4 years because anywhere remotely affordable was just loud, and you always felt like you were under someones feet.
Taking time away from the noise to get a proper uninterrupted nights rest makes a lot of sense, but I think you also need the reprieve of having personal space. Not that any city in Sweden is even remotely close to the noise levels or population density of a city like London, especially in the parts I could afford to live.
This article feels a little bit like lifestyle porn, in that very few people are actually doing this, and it sounds exotic ("just like the scandinavians!") but the reality is actually better than what's depicted and less 1-dimensional.
I live in Sweden as well, but wasn't born here. I don't really get all this summer home obsession, especially the really cheap ones with no plumbing. I really appreciate the modern basic needs.
Company did a company event in the Stockholm archipelago with sauna and dipping into the cold water. Sure it was fun but like, I wouldn't be able to endure it more than one night without a proper toilet and shower.
I can appreciate cozy and isolated places, but lack of power and plumbing is not cozy.
It’s a family friendly (almost always families with kids and pets that get summer cabins) way to connect with both family and nature. Board games and books, and a break from tech.
It’s just in the Scandinavian culture.
It might help to consider the ”friendly but anti social” culture that exists in Sweden as it goes hand in hand with it. Swedish people often call the country: ”the country that is not too much or too little” (landet lagom) with pride. It is quite amusing how different the culture is.
But as with all countries, globalism will eat every culture and strip it of identity and replace it with the strive towards owning a jet plane.
It's very similar in Finland (they're called mökki here). Even though I'm not native, I do get the appeal of these holidays. It feels like staying in a very natural, raw place without all the modern conveniences. It's a feature, and not for everyone, but I personally love it.
> and you always felt like you were under someones feet
I lived in a late 19th century building for 4,5 years as a student, and the sound of the steps in the apartment above me also drove me insane sometimes. Every apartment I rented after that was always on the top floor. Much higher quality of living.
I've never lived in any dwelling that old, but the issues I've noticed is sound traveling through the reinforced concrete walls. I'm hearing my two-floors-up-neighbor's footsteps, and I can hear him relieving himself at night. Since his floor isn't my ceiling, why would that noise only travel down? I can also hear some neighbor's kid speak loudly at times, and we also don't share any wall.
I don't think these noises come through the window, since mine are new and double-paned. Opening or closing a window doesn't change how I perceive these noises.
This is the issue I have with living in cities: there's noise everywhere, and you can't get a break even at home. I know there are new standards for noise insulation, and it is possible to build quiet apartments. But this requires new construction, and we all know how often that happens in the big cities.
Where this Scandinavian attitude comes from? That people want to be like them, to live like them. Some kind of inverted double-jealosity psychological marketing trick?
People are not globally aware enough to seperate Norway, Denmark and Sweden into seperate societies. So it's easy to confuse/combine the Danish "Hygge" (meaning: Cozy), Norways wealth, and Swedens generous social systems (especially as they relate to summer vacations and parental leave/rights).
As such, Scandinavia (where Sweden is for some reason the most popular stand-in name for Scandinavia - probably because it used to dominate the region) is seen as a mythical place where everyone is happy, wealthy and that the lifestyles are cozy.
Yes, there's some marketing in that, just like there's marketing in the idea that the US is free when it's ranks pretty poorly in freedom globally, or that the UK is a world power, when in reality it's about as globally important at this point as South Korea or South Africa (which, is not an insult as they are medium powers on the world stage and not insignificant).
Remember, companies operating globally from any given country will lean in to what they think that country is known for. You can see it a lot with "Swiss-Made" products, especially privacy products, when in reality there aren't any decent privacy laws in Switzerland- people just remember the banking sector permitting numbered accounts because they saw it in media. -- so these things get reinforced over time, by products marketing themselves as "Scandinavian" and then presenting a lifestyle in advertising.
> is seen as a mythical place where everyone is happy, wealthy and that the lifestyles are cozy
If you're a (non-wealthy) student from the US, it's easy to see how you'd get that impression based on what its like to be that person in both countries.
In Sweden, you study full time, live decently and optionally have one job that you do spare time to reduce your future debt that most likely won't be a problem given that it's a (compared the US) small amount of money and you're able to pay it back relatively easily.
What I've heard from a total of 3 students from different parts of that states are some variation of: "Outside of my (full time) studies I juggle 2-3 part time jobs, barely making rent and the mountain of debt that awaits me is giving me crippling anxiety".
Of course living here is not without its struggles. We, just like the rest of the world, struggle with insane housing costs, stagnant wages for working class people, our food prices are several times higher than in the US despite us making way less etc.
Not only is the amount of debt you have much lower the interest rate is typically lower than inflation, so its much easier to pay off, many don't even make extra payments as its not worth it. None in my class worked while studying, I only took the extra loan part for 1 year as I had savings (if you study you get a grant and the loan is optional if needed). And didn't have to worry about debt from medical problems either.
Although its amusing to see how Sweden is idealised in the UK and USA, and how there seems to be some BBC correspondant who feels obliged to keep churning out these lifestyle articles that nobody in Sweden would recognise, this doesn't mean its not actually a nicer place to live than the US or UK! :)
Funny because even Scandinavians don't want to live in Scandinavia. They live mostly in Caribbean, Canaries, and Balearic Islands. The only people permanently living in Scandinavia are working and not working poor.
You are confusing "want to live in" with "want to vacation in".
If there's one thing I and other Scandinavians always seem to agree on, it's that Scandinavia sucks less for just living your everyday life in, compared to most other countries. Especially true with typical vacation destinations such as the ones in your examples.
Scandinavians are under constant propaganda pressure since early childhood of how their countries and their "systems" are the best in the world. Most of them are incapable of waking up. Quite strange, considering that Germany is just around the corner, and has been more successful in almost every aspect.
Born outside of Sweden and living in Sweden now, you have a few misconceptions here. Scandinavians (or at least the Swedish) complain quite a lot about public services and government, so many discussions I have end with "you know that here is better than pretty much everywhere else". My favorite one is people complaining about trains and public transport where both are waaaaaaaaay better than most other countries. Sure it is not Swiss-level of service (I travelled quite a bit in Switzerland trains), but still very good overall.
And this carries over to almost everything, healthcare, education, job opportunities, entrepreneurism. Not quite the best at anything, but somehow average to very good at everything.
If this "complaining" attitude wasn't a thing you wouldn't be seeing right-leaning political parties rising here. Maybe it is this attitude that keeps the services and institutions working well? I don't know.
I remember a former coworker who complained so much about everything Swedish (from culture, to weather, to people, to institutions, to government). He travelled quite a lot but only ever stayed in the big centers or touristy places. He got enamored with China and thought things were so much better there in every respect compared to Sweden, he took a few months off to live there (considering moving permanently) and came back completely disillusioned. Classic case of only seeing the good parts of other places.
One thing that he actually complained about that quite surprised me was that the trains in China were overcrowded and people were rude in public transport. That was like the one thing I thought China was better than Sweden (because of their overbuilt infrastructure).
Another one that happens a lot when I tell stories about my home country ends up with me saying "what trains? There are no trains!"
I guess this BBC article is the pinnacle of living in this bubble. Here is a wooden shack in the middle of nowhere, pay EUR 3000 to come over and sleep in it.
Yes... spending thousands of $/€ to go somewhere and then focus on sleeping as long as possible instead of sightseeing, sampling the local cuisine and other stuff regular tourists do, sounds like the ultimate luxury indeed! Because it shows that you have not only the money, but also the free time to travel somewhere just to sleep there - something that a person who can maybe afford the same vacation, but has a limited number of vacation days, won't even consider.
> the free time to travel somewhere just to sleep there - something that a person who can maybe afford the same vacation, but has a limited number of vacation days, won't even consider
Seeking out solitude is an ancient style of holidaying coming back into vogue. From an economic perspective, I'd argue it's better bang for one's buck than many resort-style options. (I'll also readily admit that one of the bigger pay-offs of summer backpacking is falling asleep under the stars.)
Exactly. I'm on holiday to relax, enjoy myself, and, if so inclined, discover something new. I'm not there to tick off a check-list at breathtaking speed, to add more stress to my system..
Ah, that explains a lot! We actually visited Sweden last summer (with a camper van), and the first few days were still in the summer vacation. The first night was no problem, because we had reserved a place, but for the second night we only found a place at the third campground we tried. Then, once the vacation was over, the campgrounds were much less crowded (except for an influx of pensioners) - but some attractions (e.g. a historical railway) were already closed.
But are the 4 consecutive weeks during summer apart from the 25 (or 30 or whatever) days? If not that seems actually limiting, to have to use up most of the days in one go.
You are free to distribute your days as you wish mostly. The 4 consecutive weeks thing is something that the employer is not allowed to deny you.
The norm is to use the 4 weeks and then use the remaining days to stretch public holidays a little further.
They aren't, you use your allocated vacation time but are able to take the 4 weeks without question or needing to schedule around other coworkers (it's auto-approved).
Usually around June/July there's very few people working at most places, some restaurants are closed, etc. At one employer it'd be around 10-15% of us around during summer.
I actually prefer to work during this time, much slower pace, time to get into projects that couldn't be planned for. At max I like taking a week off and saving the rest of my vacation days for end of September when the weather starts to get cold.
I don't really understand why some prefer to travel outside of Sweden in June/July/August since those are the best months to be around (and it's high tourism season anywhere else in Europe).
> I don't really understand why some prefer to travel outside of Sweden in June/July/August since those are the best months to be around (and it's high tourism season anywhere else in Europe).
I live in a part of Canada where the summer months are the best months to be here. I used to spend lots of the summer here and travel mostly during less pleasant parts of the year until I had kids. Now they’re out of school for the summer so that’s when we travel… especially to see aunts and uncles who have kids, who are also not in school and thus available to spend time with us when wee visit.
Similar system in Finland. But generally there is implicit negotiations in tech that someone will be around to look after things. And if no one is willing the employer can order the placement of vacations. But there is generally enough people willing to move things around a bit for most to get what they want.
With most office jobs it is pretty free. But when it comes to factories or mandatory services the employer can absolutely ensure that there is enough workers.
June/July is the peak season in Scandinavia for restaurants. I have never heard of a Nordic restaurant that closes in those months, although many close after August outside of the cities. June/July is when they make their money.
I have never heard of a Nordic restaurant that closes in those months
Lots of restaurants in that mainly cater to lunch guests close for at least a few weeks during those months, since 90+% of their customer base are away and they get very few tourists.
I don't think anyone actually does that. It just sounds stupid. Why the fuck would you spend your hard-earned vacation days on sleeping when you can do that at home?? Most people take their vacation in the summer because that's when Sweden is nice and they don't waste it on sleeping.
The article reminds me of those you read about Japan. You take some random Japanese word like "bisekatahori" and make it into a thing: Here is why the Japanese love bisekatahori. Everyone in the West should do bisekatahori too. Studies have found bisekatahori good for you.
>something that a person who can maybe afford the same vacation, but has a limited number of vacation days, won't even consider.
See, and I do not consider doing "normal" tourist things, spending days on the beach or whatever a lot of people consider a great experience. Vacation for me is usually action (bike rides, hiking e.g.) or relaxing and doing as few things as possible, possibly in a quiet environment
A colleague worked in Sweden as a software engineer for few years. He said they all had pillows on their desks. They could freely take a nap on those pillows on their desks.
As a Swede, I've never seen or heard about pillows on desks :D
We do however have a law that workplaces must have some kind of resting area. In my former workplace we had a room with sofas, which sometimes people were napping in.
Thanks, that looked strange to me too (Skärgårdshotellet is in Nynäshamn which is a small city on the mainland, not a tiny island 2.5 hours by ferry out in the archipelago).
Also, if you're gonna mention the only city in Sweden which has a distinct name in English, please spell Gothenburg [1] correctly. Since the article already used Swedish national characters, Göteborg would have worked too I guess.
Since Svartsö is "one of the few islands in the archipelago where accommodation remains open in winter", doesn't that mean that few Swedes actually do this?
If you see this as a "it is normal to get away from the city" then it is quite common. The archipelago is big but there are alot more places in the country side, and living in the archipelago in the winter can be rough depending on the island. It is a unique place though that makes it a good setting for an article.
I live in Sweden and am totally not aware of this trend.
However what is not mentioned is that "summer homes" are quite common in Sweden, usually a little cabin somewhere further out from the city that a person or family owns.
In my case my girlfriends family shares a house on the coast in Smålland, which even has functioning power and water (rare among these types of vacation homes).
I think being able to get away from the noise of the city makes city living significantly more tolerable, I nearly lost my mind when I lived in London for 4 years because anywhere remotely affordable was just loud, and you always felt like you were under someones feet.
Taking time away from the noise to get a proper uninterrupted nights rest makes a lot of sense, but I think you also need the reprieve of having personal space. Not that any city in Sweden is even remotely close to the noise levels or population density of a city like London, especially in the parts I could afford to live.
This article feels a little bit like lifestyle porn, in that very few people are actually doing this, and it sounds exotic ("just like the scandinavians!") but the reality is actually better than what's depicted and less 1-dimensional.
I live in Sweden as well, but wasn't born here. I don't really get all this summer home obsession, especially the really cheap ones with no plumbing. I really appreciate the modern basic needs.
Company did a company event in the Stockholm archipelago with sauna and dipping into the cold water. Sure it was fun but like, I wouldn't be able to endure it more than one night without a proper toilet and shower.
I can appreciate cozy and isolated places, but lack of power and plumbing is not cozy.
It’s a family friendly (almost always families with kids and pets that get summer cabins) way to connect with both family and nature. Board games and books, and a break from tech.
It’s just in the Scandinavian culture.
It might help to consider the ”friendly but anti social” culture that exists in Sweden as it goes hand in hand with it. Swedish people often call the country: ”the country that is not too much or too little” (landet lagom) with pride. It is quite amusing how different the culture is.
But as with all countries, globalism will eat every culture and strip it of identity and replace it with the strive towards owning a jet plane.
It's very similar in Finland (they're called mökki here). Even though I'm not native, I do get the appeal of these holidays. It feels like staying in a very natural, raw place without all the modern conveniences. It's a feature, and not for everyone, but I personally love it.
> and you always felt like you were under someones feet
I lived in a late 19th century building for 4,5 years as a student, and the sound of the steps in the apartment above me also drove me insane sometimes. Every apartment I rented after that was always on the top floor. Much higher quality of living.
That may work for this specific issue.
I've never lived in any dwelling that old, but the issues I've noticed is sound traveling through the reinforced concrete walls. I'm hearing my two-floors-up-neighbor's footsteps, and I can hear him relieving himself at night. Since his floor isn't my ceiling, why would that noise only travel down? I can also hear some neighbor's kid speak loudly at times, and we also don't share any wall.
I don't think these noises come through the window, since mine are new and double-paned. Opening or closing a window doesn't change how I perceive these noises.
This is the issue I have with living in cities: there's noise everywhere, and you can't get a break even at home. I know there are new standards for noise insulation, and it is possible to build quiet apartments. But this requires new construction, and we all know how often that happens in the big cities.
Yeah if you live in a house converted to flats, it sucks.
>I live in Sweden and am totally not aware of this trend.
That's probably because the author of the article just made it up after watching a handful of instagram reels or something.
> because the author of the article just made it up
I had a look at the hotel she mentioned, and found absolutely no trace of cabin rental in the woods on their website..
Where this Scandinavian attitude comes from? That people want to be like them, to live like them. Some kind of inverted double-jealosity psychological marketing trick?
Well, that's easy.
People are not globally aware enough to seperate Norway, Denmark and Sweden into seperate societies. So it's easy to confuse/combine the Danish "Hygge" (meaning: Cozy), Norways wealth, and Swedens generous social systems (especially as they relate to summer vacations and parental leave/rights).
As such, Scandinavia (where Sweden is for some reason the most popular stand-in name for Scandinavia - probably because it used to dominate the region) is seen as a mythical place where everyone is happy, wealthy and that the lifestyles are cozy.
Yes, there's some marketing in that, just like there's marketing in the idea that the US is free when it's ranks pretty poorly in freedom globally, or that the UK is a world power, when in reality it's about as globally important at this point as South Korea or South Africa (which, is not an insult as they are medium powers on the world stage and not insignificant).
Remember, companies operating globally from any given country will lean in to what they think that country is known for. You can see it a lot with "Swiss-Made" products, especially privacy products, when in reality there aren't any decent privacy laws in Switzerland- people just remember the banking sector permitting numbered accounts because they saw it in media. -- so these things get reinforced over time, by products marketing themselves as "Scandinavian" and then presenting a lifestyle in advertising.
> is seen as a mythical place where everyone is happy, wealthy and that the lifestyles are cozy
If you're a (non-wealthy) student from the US, it's easy to see how you'd get that impression based on what its like to be that person in both countries.
In Sweden, you study full time, live decently and optionally have one job that you do spare time to reduce your future debt that most likely won't be a problem given that it's a (compared the US) small amount of money and you're able to pay it back relatively easily.
What I've heard from a total of 3 students from different parts of that states are some variation of: "Outside of my (full time) studies I juggle 2-3 part time jobs, barely making rent and the mountain of debt that awaits me is giving me crippling anxiety".
Of course living here is not without its struggles. We, just like the rest of the world, struggle with insane housing costs, stagnant wages for working class people, our food prices are several times higher than in the US despite us making way less etc.
Not only is the amount of debt you have much lower the interest rate is typically lower than inflation, so its much easier to pay off, many don't even make extra payments as its not worth it. None in my class worked while studying, I only took the extra loan part for 1 year as I had savings (if you study you get a grant and the loan is optional if needed). And didn't have to worry about debt from medical problems either.
Although its amusing to see how Sweden is idealised in the UK and USA, and how there seems to be some BBC correspondant who feels obliged to keep churning out these lifestyle articles that nobody in Sweden would recognise, this doesn't mean its not actually a nicer place to live than the US or UK! :)
Having lived in the US, UK, and Sweden, I prefer Sweden for everything except my friend group!
Funny because even Scandinavians don't want to live in Scandinavia. They live mostly in Caribbean, Canaries, and Balearic Islands. The only people permanently living in Scandinavia are working and not working poor.
You are confusing "want to live in" with "want to vacation in".
If there's one thing I and other Scandinavians always seem to agree on, it's that Scandinavia sucks less for just living your everyday life in, compared to most other countries. Especially true with typical vacation destinations such as the ones in your examples.
Spaniard here. If that was true, I would hear more about it.
And the truth it's the Southern Spain and the islands are full of Brits and Germans.
UK and DE are much bigger countries. Denmark has half the population of London.
Per capita there are a lot of Nordics in southern Spain and Canarias.
When drunk, they all speak the same indistinguishable mumble.
IKEA certainly has an interest in promoting this image.
Why Dutch non-profit foundation would be interested in this?!
Scandinavians are under constant propaganda pressure since early childhood of how their countries and their "systems" are the best in the world. Most of them are incapable of waking up. Quite strange, considering that Germany is just around the corner, and has been more successful in almost every aspect.
Born outside of Sweden and living in Sweden now, you have a few misconceptions here. Scandinavians (or at least the Swedish) complain quite a lot about public services and government, so many discussions I have end with "you know that here is better than pretty much everywhere else". My favorite one is people complaining about trains and public transport where both are waaaaaaaaay better than most other countries. Sure it is not Swiss-level of service (I travelled quite a bit in Switzerland trains), but still very good overall.
And this carries over to almost everything, healthcare, education, job opportunities, entrepreneurism. Not quite the best at anything, but somehow average to very good at everything.
If this "complaining" attitude wasn't a thing you wouldn't be seeing right-leaning political parties rising here. Maybe it is this attitude that keeps the services and institutions working well? I don't know.
I remember a former coworker who complained so much about everything Swedish (from culture, to weather, to people, to institutions, to government). He travelled quite a lot but only ever stayed in the big centers or touristy places. He got enamored with China and thought things were so much better there in every respect compared to Sweden, he took a few months off to live there (considering moving permanently) and came back completely disillusioned. Classic case of only seeing the good parts of other places.
One thing that he actually complained about that quite surprised me was that the trains in China were overcrowded and people were rude in public transport. That was like the one thing I thought China was better than Sweden (because of their overbuilt infrastructure).
Another one that happens a lot when I tell stories about my home country ends up with me saying "what trains? There are no trains!"
I guess this BBC article is the pinnacle of living in this bubble. Here is a wooden shack in the middle of nowhere, pay EUR 3000 to come over and sleep in it.
Yes... spending thousands of $/€ to go somewhere and then focus on sleeping as long as possible instead of sightseeing, sampling the local cuisine and other stuff regular tourists do, sounds like the ultimate luxury indeed! Because it shows that you have not only the money, but also the free time to travel somewhere just to sleep there - something that a person who can maybe afford the same vacation, but has a limited number of vacation days, won't even consider.
> the free time to travel somewhere just to sleep there - something that a person who can maybe afford the same vacation, but has a limited number of vacation days, won't even consider
Seeking out solitude is an ancient style of holidaying coming back into vogue. From an economic perspective, I'd argue it's better bang for one's buck than many resort-style options. (I'll also readily admit that one of the bigger pay-offs of summer backpacking is falling asleep under the stars.)
That is because we've been brainwashed as to what a vacation/holiday is. It doesn't have to be a todo list.
> It doesn't have to be a todo list.
Exactly. I'm on holiday to relax, enjoy myself, and, if so inclined, discover something new. I'm not there to tick off a check-list at breathtaking speed, to add more stress to my system..
I don't think it's "instead of", it's only a little more hours a night.
Swedes in FTE are entitled to 25 days holiday. https://www.government.se/contentassets/eaf3467d4f484c9fb727...
25 days are the mandated minimum. Many have 30 days or more.
Buy not only that, you are entitled to 4 consecutive weeks during the summer months.
Having 4 (or more) weeks off during summer is the norm in Sweden.
So the question is rarely about if you're gonna be off, but rather how you're going to spend that time.
Ah, that explains a lot! We actually visited Sweden last summer (with a camper van), and the first few days were still in the summer vacation. The first night was no problem, because we had reserved a place, but for the second night we only found a place at the third campground we tried. Then, once the vacation was over, the campgrounds were much less crowded (except for an influx of pensioners) - but some attractions (e.g. a historical railway) were already closed.
But are the 4 consecutive weeks during summer apart from the 25 (or 30 or whatever) days? If not that seems actually limiting, to have to use up most of the days in one go.
You are free to distribute your days as you wish mostly. The 4 consecutive weeks thing is something that the employer is not allowed to deny you. The norm is to use the 4 weeks and then use the remaining days to stretch public holidays a little further.
It's not separate, but they don't necessarily have to use them like that. They merely can.
They aren't, you use your allocated vacation time but are able to take the 4 weeks without question or needing to schedule around other coworkers (it's auto-approved).
Usually around June/July there's very few people working at most places, some restaurants are closed, etc. At one employer it'd be around 10-15% of us around during summer.
I actually prefer to work during this time, much slower pace, time to get into projects that couldn't be planned for. At max I like taking a week off and saving the rest of my vacation days for end of September when the weather starts to get cold.
I don't really understand why some prefer to travel outside of Sweden in June/July/August since those are the best months to be around (and it's high tourism season anywhere else in Europe).
> I don't really understand why some prefer to travel outside of Sweden in June/July/August since those are the best months to be around (and it's high tourism season anywhere else in Europe).
I live in a part of Canada where the summer months are the best months to be here. I used to spend lots of the summer here and travel mostly during less pleasant parts of the year until I had kids. Now they’re out of school for the summer so that’s when we travel… especially to see aunts and uncles who have kids, who are also not in school and thus available to spend time with us when wee visit.
Similar system in Finland. But generally there is implicit negotiations in tech that someone will be around to look after things. And if no one is willing the employer can order the placement of vacations. But there is generally enough people willing to move things around a bit for most to get what they want.
With most office jobs it is pretty free. But when it comes to factories or mandatory services the employer can absolutely ensure that there is enough workers.
June/July is the peak season in Scandinavia for restaurants. I have never heard of a Nordic restaurant that closes in those months, although many close after August outside of the cities. June/July is when they make their money.
I have never heard of a Nordic restaurant that closes in those months
Lots of restaurants in that mainly cater to lunch guests close for at least a few weeks during those months, since 90+% of their customer base are away and they get very few tourists.
Many of my favorite lunch places in Stockholm closes some weeks over the summer, typically first weeks in August but earlier as well.
Definitely not what I experience in Stockholm, in July quite a few of the restaurants I tend to go are closed.
I don't think anyone actually does that. It just sounds stupid. Why the fuck would you spend your hard-earned vacation days on sleeping when you can do that at home?? Most people take their vacation in the summer because that's when Sweden is nice and they don't waste it on sleeping.
The article reminds me of those you read about Japan. You take some random Japanese word like "bisekatahori" and make it into a thing: Here is why the Japanese love bisekatahori. Everyone in the West should do bisekatahori too. Studies have found bisekatahori good for you.
>something that a person who can maybe afford the same vacation, but has a limited number of vacation days, won't even consider.
See, and I do not consider doing "normal" tourist things, spending days on the beach or whatever a lot of people consider a great experience. Vacation for me is usually action (bike rides, hiking e.g.) or relaxing and doing as few things as possible, possibly in a quiet environment
When you want to squeeze out the last krona from your real estate investment but the only selling point is that one can sleep in it.
So cool to see this here!
I bought a house in Nyland [1] a few years ago and now I'm turning it into a place to retreat to for focus time / being close to nature.
If someone is interested in sharing the space over a longer period of time (as I'm not living in Sweden), hit me up (email on my profile)
[1] https://maps.app.goo.gl/Ww1GHL5rFXdkcdHfA
Never heard of anyone doing this. Seems very Chako Paul city.
/ Swedish Person
I look forward to enjoying an excellent rest followed by 12 hours in an airplane to get back home.
I don't think you need to go there to mimick the kind of vacations they are advertizing here.
Wherever you are living, you usually don't have to go very far to rent a house or cabin in a quiet place.
Not exactly related to the article but the title.
A colleague worked in Sweden as a software engineer for few years. He said they all had pillows on their desks. They could freely take a nap on those pillows on their desks.
Is that also common in Sweden?
As a Swede, I've never seen or heard about pillows on desks :D
We do however have a law that workplaces must have some kind of resting area. In my former workplace we had a room with sofas, which sometimes people were napping in.
They linked the wrong hotel in the BBC article... Here's the correct link: https://www.svartsonorra.se/
Thanks, that looked strange to me too (Skärgårdshotellet is in Nynäshamn which is a small city on the mainland, not a tiny island 2.5 hours by ferry out in the archipelago).
Also, if you're gonna mention the only city in Sweden which has a distinct name in English, please spell Gothenburg [1] correctly. Since the article already used Swedish national characters, Göteborg would have worked too I guess.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothenburg#Name
And yet, no info about a secluded cabin to rent on this website either..
Yes, weird...
Since Svartsö is "one of the few islands in the archipelago where accommodation remains open in winter", doesn't that mean that few Swedes actually do this?
If you see this as a "it is normal to get away from the city" then it is quite common. The archipelago is big but there are alot more places in the country side, and living in the archipelago in the winter can be rough depending on the island. It is a unique place though that makes it a good setting for an article.
See comment above explaining more.
The whole article is bullshit. It doesn’t mean anything.
Travelling abroad to sleep is a huge waste. Surely one can find a local hotel if a change of place is needed in order to relax!
Add to that the stress of travelling itself (airports, reservations and whatnot), this seems like a self-defeating idea to me.